Wine aroma kit
Are you looking for a wine aroma kit? We supply various wine smelling kits such as white wine set, red wine set and faults in wine set. On this page an overview of which products we offer in this area.
What is a wine aroma kit?
A wine aroma kit is a collection of different scents or aromas, often used for practicing and recognizing the aroma profiles of different wines. The purpose of an aroma kit is to develop your sense of smell and help you identify and name the different olfactory components in wine.
We offer the following kits:
Sets with bottles of wine and additional aromas
We provide wine kits that will teach you to recognize 10 important aromas in wine. The sets consist of 11 bottles of (same) wine, with 1 bottle being the reference sample. The other 10 bottles also contain an additional aroma in addition to the wine. Each flavor added to the bottles is in a realistic, sophisticated amount: the same amount that would be found naturally in wine.
Wine aroma sets from Le Nez du Vin
In addition to the aroma sets mentioned above, we also supply the Le Nez du Vin boxes, which are different sets consisting of small fragrance jars with the different aromas.
Below you will find an overview of our wine aroma sets: