Author Archives: admin2018

Trigeminal function and taste testing

The trigeminal nerve, the largest of the cranial nerves, plays a crucial role in various sensory functions, including taste perception. This blog post will delve into the intricacies of trigeminal function and its relationship to taste testing. Understanding trigeminal function The trigeminal nerve is responsible for transmitting sensory information from the face, mouth, and teeth […]

Odor Hedonic Perception

Understanding Odor Hedonic Perception

When you catch a whiff of freshly baked cookies, your mind might instantly flood with memories of childhood, warmth, and comfort. Conversely, the smell of spoiled food might trigger an immediate feeling of disgust. This emotional response to smells, whether positive or negative, is known as odor hedonic perception. But what exactly is this phenomenon, […]

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile Organic Compounds (in Dutch VOS, vluchtige organische stoffen) are a broad class of organic chemicals that easily evaporate at room temperature. They are found in a wide range of products, including paint, solvents, cleaning agents, air fresheners, and pesticides. VOCs can also be emitted by natural sources, such as plants and volcanoes. What substances […]

capsaicin pepper

Taste of capsaicin

Fire in your mouth? Contrary to popular belief, the burning sensation you experience from a spicy chili pepper isn’t actually tasting “heat”. It’s a clever illusion perpetrated by a molecule called capsaicin. It belongs to a class of molecules called capsaicinoids which are the compounds found in members of the capsicum family (also known as […]

The sense of taste

Taste, how does it actually work? Taste is the way our brain perceives the stimuli from taste buds. Of course we all know the five flavors; sweet, bitter, salty, sour and umami. But how do you describe the taste of mint, for example? Of course, the five basic tastes do not give the full picture […]

Loss of smell in children

Loss of smell in children can lead to major consequences in eating patterns. As a parent, you therefore seek support and understanding with these problems. Especially when your child indicates that the food tastes terrible. For example, children may say that food tastes like sewage and that water tastes like rotten eggs. It is often […]