SSParoT Sniffin’ Sticks Parosmia Test

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The SSParoT (Sniffin’ Sticks Parosmia Test) is developed to test on parosmia. The test consists of a total of 22 sticks, 11 of which are pleasant odors and 11 of which are unpleasant odors. In this test, the test subject is offered a pair of sticks, 1 with an unpleasant odor and 1 with a pleasant odor.

The test is available with or without holders.


The SSParoT (Sniffin’ Sticks Parosmia Test) is developed to test on parosmia. The test consists of a total of 22 sticks, 11 of which are pleasant odors and 11 of which are unpleasant odors. In this test, the test subject is offered a pair of sticks, 1 with an unpleasant odor and 1 with a pleasant odor.

The SSParoT is the first test to measure qualitative olfactory function. This test uses hedonic estimates of two oppositely odors (pleasant and unpleasant) to assess the Hedonic Range (HR) and Hedonic Direction (HD). These values represent the qualitative olfactory perception.

The test is available with or without holders.

The accompanying manual is available in English and German, which you can download via this link.

Odors of the SSParoT

The following pleasant odors are included (with red numbers):

  1. Peppermint
  2. Apple
  3. Pineapple
  4. Banana
  5. Peach solution
  6. Coco solution
  7. Caramel
  8. Raspberry solution
  9. Ice bonbon
  10. Lemon solution
  11. Orange solution

And the following unpleasant odors are included (with green numbers):

  1. Fish solution
  2. Garlic solution
  3. Turpentine
  4. Clove
  5. Butter
  6. n-Butyric acid
  7. Iso-Butyric acid
  8. Indol
  9. Skatole
  10. Civet
  11. Valeric acid

Background anosmia smell test

An odor identification test is often used to test the sense of smell. This only checks whether someone recognizes an odor. In addition, there are also smell tests for determining sensitivity (threshold smell test) or for distinguishing odors (discrimination smell test). However, these standard tests do not take into account whether an odor is perceived as pleasant or unpleasant. However, this is an important question for the olfactory disorder parosmia.

The SSParoT test was developed to develop a suitable test for this. Below, read an abstract from the scientific publication (on Pubmed) in which the test was developed.

Assessment of odor hedonic perception: the Sniffin’ sticks parosmia test

Qualitative olfactory dysfunction is characterized as distorted odor perception and can have a profound effect on quality of life of affected individuals. Parosmia and phantosmia represent the two main subgroups of qualitative impairment and are currently diagnosed based on patient history only. We have developed a test method which measures qualitative olfactory function based on the odors of the Sniffin’ Sticks Identification subtest. The newly developed test is called Sniffin’ Sticks Parosmia Test (SSParoT). SSParoT uses hedonic estimates of two oppositely valenced odors (pleasant and unpleasant) to assess hedonic range (HR) and hedonic direction (HD), which represent qualitative olfactory perception. HR is defined as the perceivable hedonic distance between two oppositely valenced odors, while HD serves as an indicator for overall hedonic perception of odors. This multicenter study enrolled a total of 162 normosmic subjects in four consecutive experiments. Cluster analysis was used to group odors from the 16-item Sniffin’ Sticks Identification test and 24-additional odors into clusters with distinct hedonic properties. Eleven odor pairs were found to be suitable for estimation of HR and HD. Analysis showed agreement between test-retest sessions for all odor pairs. SSparoT might emerge as a valuable tool to assess qualitative olfactory function in health and disease.

What is parosmia?

Parosmia is a smell disorder. Someone does perceive the odors, but they are processed in a different way than normal. For example, odors that normally smell nice can now smell bad or vice versa. In most cases, an unpleasant odor is detected while it should be a normal odor.

Order and delivery time SSParoT

This test is not a standard test and is only produced on order. Therefor you have to calculate a delivery of approx. 3-4 weeks after orderdate.

Burghart article number LA-13-00572 for the complete set with holders and manual, Burghart article number LA-13-00627 is for the refill set consisting of only the sticks.

We ship the ODOFIN Sniffin’ Sticks worldwide, if you want to receive more information or a quotation please let us know.

Weight 3 kg
SSParoT Version

Only the sticks (22 pieces), Sticks with holders